Space Requests

The University Space Committee is chaired by the campus planner. The committee is the coordinating body for most non-academic campus space issues, both indoor and outdoor and is advisory to the Operations & Management Group.


The committee looks to the Academic Space Committee for recommendations on academic and instructional space needs and priorities. In response to requests from individuals, offices or programs, the committee considers current space use assignments and data and the suitability of specific spaces for suggested or competing uses in order to approve or recommend

  1. Modification or conversion of space
  2. The assignment or reassignment of existing space.

All space is considered University space that is available for utilization to support the University's mission.

Space Requests Process

  • All requests must be made in writing using the Space Request Form.
  • Submitted requests will be reviewed by the chair within 10 days.
  • Often, additional information and research will be required prior to presenting the information to the Space Committee.
    • Once all information is gathered, the request will be placed on the agenda for the next scheduled committee meeting.
    • The secretary shall ensure the requestor is notified of the meeting schedule.
  • After reviewing a space request, the committee will approve, approve with comment(s), return the request for additional information, or deny the request.
    • After the minutes are approved, the secretary shall provide the requestor(s) feedback on their space request.
    • If additional information is requested, the secretary will work with the requestor(s) to gather that information. Normally, these requests will be reviewed at the next available Space Committee meeting.
  • An organization that desires to change the use of their existing space (e.g. change a storage room into an office), needs to document that change on the Space Request Form (Attachment 1). These types of requests are normally approved. The secretary shall provide a summary of changes of use requests to the Space Committee.

Contact Details



7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.