BisonVotes: Election and Voter Registration Information

The right to vote is an essential part of our democracy and allows you to express your opinion concerning elections, referendums and important policy matters. Though voting is an integral component of our political system, nearly half of the eligible voting population does not choose to vote. We are changing that statistic here at Bucknell.

Bucknell's non-partisan BisonVotes team can help you register to vote and supported more than 1,000 students through the registration process in 2020. When you sign up on our TurboVote site (instructions here), you can access everything you need to register to vote, vote absentee, and get reminders about local, state and national elections.

Important Dates

April 8: Last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania Primary elections

April 16: Last day to request a mail-in or absentee ballot

April 23: Primary Election, polls open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; mail-in ballots must be received by the County Board of Elections by 8 p.m.

Polling Locations

Please see this PDF to find where your polling location is, depending on which residence hall you live in on Bucknell's campus (the address you used to register to vote).

  • Register to Vote: (instructions here)
  • Vote by Mail: If you choose to vote by mail, you must request your ballot before April 16. You can also register to vote by mail through our TurboVote site. If there are 10 days or less before the election, it is recommended that you drop off rather than mail your ballot. You can register and pick up and drop off your ballot in person at your county election office.

Contact Details

Center for Community Engaged Leadership, Learning & Research