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Episode 10: A Guide to Transferring Colleges

February 22, 2021

Most of the material you'll find about applying to college covers all the steps leading up to applying — and then it stops.

But what happens if you end up at a school that's not the right fit? Or what if you attend a two-year school and want to transfer to a four-year university?

That's where transferring comes in. How is the process of applying to transfer different from the first-year application journey? What are schools looking for in prospective transfer students? And what are some things to watch out for along the way?

In this episode of College Admissions Insider, brought to you by Bucknell University, Brooke Thames and Bryan Wendell offer a guide to transferring colleges.

Our guest is Caro Mercado, Bucknell's Associate Dean of Admissions and the professional in charge of Bucknell’s transfer program.

If you have a question, comment or idea for a future episode, email

Please note: Information presented in this episode was accurate at the time of recording, but may have since changed. Participants may have changed roles or no longer hold positions at Bucknell University.

Episode 10 Transcript