In the Division of Equity & Inclusive Excellence, our goal is to ensure that a framework of equity and inclusion undergirds your entire Bucknell journey, no matter how you join the Bucknell community and whatever your position is on campus.

We advance the goals of the Plan for Bucknell 2025 of building and sustaining a diverse community in which all students, faculty and staff experience a sense of belonging supported by a foundation of access, equity and inclusion.

This is accomplished through four divisional pillars: institutional impact; culture of respect; affinity, community and belonging; and learning and development. We leverage campus climate data and assessment to set annual action plans and implement and monitor progress through our EIE councils and affinity groups across campus in order to develop a culture of equity-minded practice.

Co-curricular Learning Opportunities

The Division of Equity & Inclusive Excellence offers many learning opportunities to develop, refine and practice various skills needed to live and lead in a diverse community. From training opportunities for emerging and current student leaders to internships and fellowships in a variety of spaces and programs, we work to ensure all students have the opportunity to engage in deep critical thinking and learn across cultures and perspectives to serve the common good and promote justice.

View upcoming events

Dignity & Dialogue Circles

Bucknell University launched Dignity & Dialogue Circles for the 2024-2025 academic year to encourage meaningful conversations and foster a more inclusive and empathetic campus environment. The initiative aims to create a space where dignity, collaboration and empathy can thrive.

Learn more about the program and upcoming circles (login required)

Staff/Faculty Affinity Groups

Caregivers NetworkDisabled Staff & Faculty
Faculty & Staff of ColorGender Equity Network
International Staff & FacultyJewish Staff & Faculty

For more information about joining or participating in an affinity group, contact

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Equity & Inclusive Excellence