Oct. 17, 2015: Note Regarding the Transition to a College of Management

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,

In the coming days I will share with you with my customary summary of the annual October Board of Trustees meeting, which concluded today. But it seems appropriate to write to you now concerning an action taken by the Board regarding the College of Management. Today, the Board voted to establish a College of Management, effective July 1, 2017. Following the unanimous vote, Board Chair Ken Freeman offered a statement on behalf of the Board to the University community.

With this significant step, I am committed to continuing our work together to ensure that the transition to a College of Management strengthens every aspect of our collective Bucknell. I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of you who have actively participated in this process — both through the work that made today’s decision possible, and for the thoughtful, important debate that has driven us to think more critically about the way in which we, as an institution, move forward.

My best,
