News & Stories in:

Arts & Sciences


Student Consultants Drive Area Economic Development

Bucknell students have assisted 29 business startups in the past year as consultants with the Bucknell Small Business Development Center.


Bucknell's Villadsen Co-discovers Space Radiation Belt

Professor Jackie Villadsen is a co-author in a breakthrough Nature paper documenting the first images of a radiation belt observed outside of our solar system and the first from a brown dwarf.

Student Ally Clarke poses to the left-center of the frame standing between two rows of pink cherry blossom trees in full bloom

Meet Bucknell's Newest National Science Foundation Fellows and Goldwater Scholars

Eight Bucknellians have been awarded two of the most prestigious fellowships and scholarships in higher education: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships and Barry Goldwater Scholarships.

Mark Haussmann

Bucknell Study Finds Impact of Prenatal Stress on Offspring Stress Response

Professor Mark Haussmann’s biology lab conducted the study, which was published last week in Scientific Reports - Nature.

Elle Chrampanis sits on a chair and plays the cello while sitting outside under a tree with golden leaves that hang from the branches and also sit on the ground around her..

Elle Chrampanis '24, Music and Psychology

Elle Chrampanis '24 is drawn to children's psychology and education and is intrigued by what happens when music is incorporated into both of these worlds.

Professor Jackie Villadsen stands by a telescope in the Bucknell Observatory..JPG

Bucknell Professor Makes Celestial Discovery from 12 Light-years Away

Professor Jackie Villadsen is co-author of the first paper to document bursts of radio waves from a star known to host a close-in planet, suggesting the planet may have an Earth-like magnetic field.

Professor Jackie Villadsen stands next to a large telescope on Bucknell's campus and smiles.

Jackie Villadsen, Physics & Astronomy

Professor Jackie Villadsen, physics & astronomy, is helping to answer one of science’s burning questions: Are there Earth-like planets in far-off solar systems?


Bucknell Researchers First to Document Firefly Pheromone

Bucknell professors, students head the research team that publishes a new study on the female-produced pheromone in winter fireflies in the ‘Journal of Chemical Ecology.’

Moria Chambers

Bucknell Researchers Publish Paper on Protective Value of Previous Infection

Biology, mathematics students, faculty publish study in Infection and Immunity journal on the impact of chronic infection on resistance and tolerance in fruit flies.

Portrait of Sarah Lower

Sarah Lower, Biology

Professor Sarah Lower, biology, studies the connections between the genetics of fireflies and the history of their evolution in different environments.

Portrait of Anushka Mehrotra ’16

Anushka Mehrotra '16, English – Creative Writing

Anushka Mehrotra '16 wrote the script for an award-winning dramatic web series that depicts one of the most significant events in Mumbai's recent history.

Four people dressed as salesmen cross an intersection in front of a trainstation.

Bucknell Students Take a Crack at Infamous Math Problem

An NSF grant opened the door for computational exploration and a big discovery.


The Nemesis Machine: Utopia, Dystopia or Both?

The Samek Art Museum hosts the U.S. debut of the big data miniature mechanical city exhibit by British artist Stanza.


Bucknell Researchers 'Step Up' to Find New Plant Species

The botanists publish a new species description, naming the Australian bush tomato plant Solanum scalarium.

Oompa Williams '14 leans on the hood of a yellow mustang showing a peace sign.

Oompa Williams '14, English and Education

With a thriving presence in the Boston music scene, Oompa Williams '14 has used her art to become unbothered.


Bucknell Professors Study the Impact of Pathogens, Environment on Fireflies

The Bucknell study is the first to examine the effect of bacterial pathogens on fireflies and may help address their declining population trend.

Matías Vernengo, Economics

Professor Matías Vernengo helps students understand modern-day global challenges through the lens of economics.

Alumni Brian Pei at his office sitting next to co-workers.

Brian Pei ’13, Math and Economics

At Spotify, Brian Pei ’13 melds his affinity for data with his love of music.

Nina Banks

Nina Banks, Economics

Professor Nina Banks is rebuilding a long-overlooked historical body of work by early women economists.

Douglas Collins

Douglas Collins, Chemistry

Professor Douglas Collins' vast indoor air chemistry research seeks to isolate and analyze the abundant reactions between common household chemicals and home surfaces.