Greek Life Governance

All chapters abide by The Standards, a governing document which sets an expectation that organizations strive to fulfill their missions and demonstrate a commitment to the growth and development of each member.

Fraternities are also governed and represented by the Interfraternity Council, sororities by the Panhellenic Council.

Fraternity Governance: Interfraternity Council

Bucknell's Interfraternity Council is the local governing body for fraternities at the University. The council works to unite chapters and enhance the values in which fraternal organizations were founded. It does so by promoting the highest ideals of scholarship, leadership, service and brotherhood.

Sorority Governance: Panhellenic Council

Bucknell's Panhellenic Council is the local governing body and representation for all sororities at Bucknell. The council works to unite these groups and is charged with developing leadership opportunities, educational events, community service and philanthropic events for all sororities on campus.

National Greek-letter Councils

Greek life organizations at Bucknell are also represented at the national level by the:

Contact Details

Fraternity & Sorority Affairs


8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.