Training, Teaching & Scholarship
Library & Information Technology collaborates with campus partners to drive innovation in teaching and scholarship. Each academic department and program has an instructional technologist liaison who serves as the first point of contact for questions regarding the use of technology in faculty teaching, research and scholarship. There is also a library liaison for each department who collaborates with faculty to integrate information literacy skills into the curriculum and to build the library’s collections in support of the curriculum. We also teach information literacy and technological competency skills to students and actively identify and pursue opportunities to partner with faculty to explore classroom innovation, improved student learning and engagement and faculty development.
Bucknell Digital Commons
The Bucknell Digital Commons collects all of the University’s research under one umbrella, with an aim to preserve and provide access to that research.
Explore research projects by Bucknell faculty and students
Information Literacy
L&IT instructional programs promote lifelong learning and develop information literacy skills and technological competency through teaching users to find, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically. Please contact your library liaison to schedule information literacy instruction. See our Research by Subject guides on the library website to find your library liaison.
Find research by subject guides
Students can also find information literacy resources in our Information Literacy Toolkit.

Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship at Bucknell
Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship partners with faculty to drive the effective integration of technology to enhance teaching, learning and research. Housed in Bertrand Library, Digital Pedagogy & Scholarship works with faculty to identify and support digital tools for specialized course or research projects and supports student use of technology through in-class training, peer technology and multimedia consulting.
Scholarly Recognition
Each year, Library & Information Technology and the Provost’s Office sponsors a Faculty Scholarship Reception to recognize Bucknell faculty members who have published journal articles, exhibits, performances, films and other works during the academic year.