Web Services & Digital Communications

Bucknell's Digital Communications team manages the University website and intranet; works with colleagues and departments to deploy targeted messages through the Bucknell app, email and digital signs; and provides access and training to designated campus partners.

What Do You Want to Do?

Request an update or new page on bucknell.edu
Submit a web content update request. Your request will be evaluated within one week. Communications reserves the final decision on all content — including text, images, links, video, etc. — posted on University web pages.

  • If your request involves a change to your job title or name, please contact:
    • Faculty: Emily Haussmann, esh013@bucknell.edu
    • Staff: Employee Experience, employee.experience@bucknell.edu

Request a short/custom URL
Submit a request to Digital Communications. If approved, Digital Communications will create a custom go.bucknell.edu URL.

Mass email
Digital Communications manages specialized software designed for sending mass emails, which only trained and approved departments can use. This team also makes the final decisions regarding University-wide emails. To minimize internal email traffic, messages intended for current students, faculty, or staff should be routed through the Bucknell Message Center.

Post an advertisement on a digital sign
Review the list of specifications here, then contact the appropriate sign administrator.

Additional Digital Communications Resources

Additional Digital Communication resources can be found in MyBucknellWeb (login required).

Contact Details

Marketing & Communications


Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: Closed