Global Residential College

Solving the world's most pressing problems starts with a robust understanding of their causes and impact. In the Global Residential College, you'll examine major challenges surrounding international security, climate change, global health, trade and investment, science and technology, immigration and asylum, the Global South and economic development, people-to-people exchanges and more. You'll also explore an array of diverse cultural, religious and philosophical perspectives we can borrow to address global challenges, from Sun Tzu to Gandhi. Through readings, discussions and research, you'll draw connections between continents, nations and cultures and learn about the actions individuals, societies and countries are taking to resolve complex global conundrums.

In addition to enjoying exciting and educational programs, fun events and common hours, Global College students will have the opportunity to travel to New York City (visiting the United Nations, among other sights) or Washington, D.C. (meeting with diplomats from the Department of State and/or a foreign embassy).

Global College Faculty Mentors

Soundarya Chidambaram
Political Science
Zhiqun Zhu
International Relations/Political Science

Contact Details

Residential Colleges


101 Smith Hall