Social Justice Residential College

In today's polarized world, have you found that talking about justice and social change has become taboo? Would you like to find and create a community with people who look at the world through the lens of justice and want to understand, process, organize and take action against injustice?

The Social Justice Residential College welcomes students from all parts of our diverse planet to use the lens of justice to understand our place in the world. You will participate in creating a community of engaged peers who are eager to critically view, discuss and address some of the most pressing issues of our time — including preserving democracy as an expression of people's political power; resisting authoritarianism; societal inequalities and hierarchies; human and planetary health; and human rights — while maintaining focus on community, political activism and social change. You will understand the relationship between your own academic interests and questions of justice and social change in a polarized world. During our common hours, you will bring that knowledge to life, drawing upon your experiences, brainstorming action and building solidarity in real time with joy and hope.

You will also learn beyond the Res College as we take field trips to places like Washington, D.C., meet with community partners, engage in the practice of building solidarity within and outside our college and learn how to care for each other while undertaking community-engaged work and political action. As a Social Justice Res College member, you'll become part of a built-in network of peers and faculty mentors ready to mobilize toward a better and more just world.

Social Justice Residential College Faculty Mentors

Vanessa Massaro
Darakhshan Mir
Computer Science
Nathan Ryan
Mathematics & Statistics

Contact Details

Residential Colleges


101 Smith Hall