Public Safety Reporting Forms

The following forms may be used to report incidents and tips to Public Safety or other campus authorities, or to offer feedback. However, these forms are not constantly monitored and will not prompt an immediate response.

To report an incident or suspicious activity in progress, call the Public Safety emergency number at 570-577-1111, or dial 9-1-1 if an emergency response from an ambulance, fire company or off-campus police department is needed. To report in-progress events anonymously, contact our nonemergency number: 570-577-3333. Anonymous reports can also be made using the BSAFE App.

Anonymous Reporting Form

Anonymous online reporting is intended for noncriminal issues in which a delayed response would be appropriate, such as parking complaints or information about an upcoming event that you think Public Safety should be aware of. Incidents or suspicious activity in progress can be reported anonymously by contacting Public Safety at 570-577-3333.

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Sexual Misconduct and Relationship Violence Reporting Form

The purpose of this form is to notify the Title IX Coordinator of Bucknell University that an incident of sexual misconduct or relationship violence has occurred and to facilitate assistance for victim-survivors. This form can be used by any person making a report on their own behalf or on the behalf of another person, including anyone who wishes to remain anonymous. Additional resources and contact information can be found within the form.

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Campus Security Authority Reporting Form

The CSA Reporting Form provides Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) with a method of reporting Clery crimes to Public Safety for inclusion in the University's annual compilation of statistics related to crimes that occur on campus and other University-owned or controlled property. The CSA Reporting Form is not a method of notifying police of an emergency and will not prompt a police investigation.

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Citizen Complaint Form

Bucknell Public Safety endeavors to deliver quality service to our community in an effective, responsive and professional manner. We welcome all comments from our community on the effectiveness of our services and the manner in which we deliver those services. For minor complaints, we encourage you to speak directly with an employee’s immediate supervisor. For more serious complaints, or when for any reason you would prefer to write the complaint or have it documented, this “Professional Standards Intake Form” may be utilized. You may email completed forms to or deliver them to any supervisory officer on duty. Submissions may be made anonymously.

All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly. Corrective action will be taken when warranted. State personnel law requires that the actual discipline remain confidential.

Employee misconduct by police department employees is defined as: the commission of a crime; the neglect of duty; a violation of the department rules and regulations, operating policies and procedures; and/or conduct which may tend to reflect unfavorably upon the employee or the department.

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