First-year Housing

Welcome home! Our residence halls for first-year students are roomy, conveniently located and outfitted with the amenities you'll need to rest, relax and recharge.
As a first-year student, you'll live on a floor with other first-year students. Most rooms are double occupancy and about 160 square feet in size.
You'll be in McDonnell, Smith, Swartz or Vedder. Each hall has its own unique charm, and we think you'll find that it's more than housing. It's home.
As a first-year student, you can also choose to live in any one of our Residential Colleges, where you'll live and learn with fellow innovative thinkers.
First-year Housing Assignments
As a first-year student, you will live in one of two types of floor or hall group:
- Most floors are coed by alternating room (men in one room, women in the next, with separate bathrooms).
- Some floors are single-gender halls (men and women on distinct floors or wings, with separate bathrooms).
First-year students and transfer students should note that we house students based on the Gender Identity information submitted to the University through the common application or updated through BannerWeb. If there has been a change to your gender identity, you identify as transgender or are gender non-conforming, or would have concerns being housing based on your stated gender identity, please contact the Director of Gender & Sexuality, LGBTQ Resources, Bill McCoy at 570.577.1609 or to discuss options. If your gender identity is non-binary, we also suggest contacting the Gender & Sexuality, LGBTQ Resources office to discuss housing options under the Transgender Accessible Housing Policy.
For incoming First-year and Transfer students, they should contact the director of Gender & Sexuality Resources by June 10 each year to be eligible for the Transgender Accessibility process.
Roommate Matching
In order to create roommate matches between students who share similar living characteristics, use the Housing Questionnaire located in the housing application in myHOME.
First-year students are not able to submit roommate requests. In addition, students from the same high school or hometown are not allowed to be first-year roommates. Bucknell believes learning to live with new acquaintances is an essential part of the residential learning experience.
Roommate matches are placed in a floor or hall of a building intentionally in order to create a unique community that is reflective of the University's commitment to different cultures and diverse perspectives.
First-year Student Timeline
- By June 1: If you are requesting housing accommodations, please refer to the Office of Accessibility Resources. Learn more about accommodations. All documentation must be submitted no later than June 1.
- By June 14: Complete the Housing Application & Questionnaire in myHOME and make sure to complete your course registration. You will not receive a housing assignment until your course registration is complete.
- By mid-July: Your room assignment will be sent to you via email and posted in myHOME.