College of Arts & Sciences

Class of 2029 course registration will open in late April. The registration deadline is June 16. Please note that course selection is not a first-come, first-served process.

Selecting Your First-semester Courses

Signing up for your first-semester courses is as easy as 1-2-3. Follow the three steps below – learn, ask and select.

View the College of Arts & Sciences Summer Timeline

View Timeline

Step 1: Learn

There are many resources available to help you learn about the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) and your courses.

Step 2: Ask

Asking questions and seeking assistance is an essential part of the learning process. Once you have attended or watched the CAS webinar and reviewed the Moodle page, it's time to meet with your First-year Summer Adviser. You can find your adviser and their contact information in the First-year Advising Gadget in myBucknell. You can also visit our FAQ page to see if the information you need can be found there.

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions:

You may still have questions after viewing the FAQ and meeting with your summer adviser, and that's OK. Additional questions may be directed or 570-577-3293.

Your CAS Mentor Collective peer mentor can also be helpful for questions unrelated to academic advising.

Step 3: Select

Now you're prepared to complete the online registration for your courses. Please note that course selection is not first-come, first-served. The Registrar's Office will begin all course entry after June 16, so there is no need to rush.

Additional Details and Requirements