College of Engineering
Class of 2029 course registration will open in late April. The registration deadline is June 16. Please note that course selection is not a first-come, first-served process.
Selecting Your First-semester Courses
To sign up for first-semester courses, College of Engineering students are required to complete the steps below.
If you have questions about academics or course selection after reviewing materials on the Engineering First-year Orientation Moodle page and participating in the Zoom webinars, contact Associate Dean Terri Norton at You can ask your questions by email or schedule a phone call/video conference.
Note: Reviewing and watching the videos is required; emailing Associate Dean Norton is optional and should address specific questions not covered in the text or videos.
How to Sign Up for First-semester Courses
Step 1: Watch the Videos
Log in to myBucknell and watch the TLC and Residential College videos found in your Summer Academic Advising gadget. Also, review the Writing Center and Residential Colleges webpages.
Watch the first-year engineering videos
Step 2: Join the Zoom Web Advising Session
Log in to myBucknell and review the Zoom web session dates and times in the College of Engineering gadget. The web sessions will take place through June 10. During each webinar, Associate Dean Norton will serve as the summer academic adviser and provide a high-level overview of the registration and fall semester course selection process as well as curriculum requirements.
If you have questions about academics or course selections after participating in one of the Zoom sessions, please contact Associate Dean Norton (
Participate in a Zoom webinar by June 10
Step 3: Review Model Programs
The model curriculum below is provided to ensure you select the appropriate required courses.
Review the Model First-semester Programs
Step 4: Learn About Courses
The courses that will be available to you in your first semester can be found on the Course Information for First-year Students page.
When deciding on a first-semester seminar (FOUN or RESC) theme, please review the Residential Colleges webpage and the Res Colleges video you viewed as part of summer academic advising. If you are interested in the program, you can sign up during course registration.
Read the first-year course descriptions
Step 5: Review the Requirements
Review the University's general requirements so you know what to expect throughout your academic career. If you indicated on your application that you are interested in a particular major, become familiar with that program in the University course catalog.
Be sure to use the Course Information for First-year Students page to select your courses — not the course catalog.
Become familiar with Bucknell's requirements
Step 6: Select Your Courses
Complete online registration for your courses. Course selection will become available in late April. A link to select your courses will be posted here. In the meantime, please review and begin completing the other steps.
Step 7: Connect With the Garman Guides Program
Through the ENGR 099 seminar course, each first-year engineering student will be assigned to a small group led by a Garman Guide — a junior or senior engineering student who has been selected to be a peer mentor.
In mid-summer, you will receive a welcome message from the Garman Guides program, and your first meeting will be during Orientation. Our staff will be happy to assist you during summer advising. Your assigned Garman Guide is available to answer academic, co-curricular and social engagement questions throughout the year.
Step 8: Create your BisonCompass profile
You are encouraged to create your BisonCompass profile to get started developing your co-curricular transcript. With BisonCompass you will be able to track and provide evidence of experiences outside of the classroom and earn badges, points and prizes along the way.