T.E.A.M. Mentoring Program

The Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M.) Mentoring Program is a yearlong experience for first-year or transfer students that pairs new student scholars with upperclass peer mentors to establish a supportive relationship and aid their transition to Bucknell.

T.E.A.M. peer mentors receive extensive training and are committed to developing meaningful relationships with their scholars. Throughout the year, mentors build personal connections with first-year or transfer scholars in individual meetings and team-building activities, including interactive group events and topical discussions. Mentors, meanwhile, gain valuable experiences in leadership and service.

Why should you join?

First-year and transfer students are invited to apply to the program during the fall semester. If you choose to take part, you will:

  • Get to join one of the most caring and close-knit communities on campus — one that's invested in your long-term success at Bucknell.
  • Gain access to a trained upperclass mentor who is dedicated to welcoming you to Bucknell.
  • Be able to join the T.E.A.M pre-orientation program RAMP Up!, which introduces you to study skills, campus resources and faculty & staff members.
  • Access seminars and programs that will assist in your first-year transition.
  • Join community-building social events including Sunday brunches, retreats, pre-Thanksgiving dinner and a spring banquet.

Expectations of scholars

Student scholars are expected to:

  • Meet with their mentor weekly.
  • Attend program meetings during the semester with their mentor and program staff.
  • Attend program social events.
  • Acquire knowledge of all areas of University resources.
  • Actively engage in their Bucknell University experience.

Contact Details

Multicultural Student Services


59 Elaine Langone Center


8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday