Academic Responsibility

As a Bucknell student, you're required to abide by the Bucknell University Honor Code, outlined below, and to maintain academic integrity in all work you perform at Bucknell.

Academic Responsibility Orientation

In order to demonstrate your understanding of the principles of academic integrity, you'll need to successfully complete the Academic Responsibility Orientation, delivered via Moodle, by Aug. 30.

Note: An academic hold will be placed on your account if you do not complete the orientation by the deadline. This hold will impact your ability to register for spring classes.

Please contact Jill Hallam-Miller at if you have technical problems or questions about the tutorial.

Bucknell University Honor Code

As a student and citizen of the Bucknell University community:

  1. I will not lie, cheat or steal in my academic endeavors.
  2. I will forthrightly oppose each and every instance of academic dishonesty.
  3. I will let my conscience guide my decision to communicate directly with any person or persons I believe to have been dishonest in academic work.
  4. I will let my conscience guide my decision on reporting breaches of academic integrity to the appropriate faculty or deans.

Learn more about academic responsibility at Bucknell