To-Do List

ASAP: Claim myBucknell Account

You will receive your account claim email in your personal email account. The message will come from and direct you to Bucknell Account Management ( Follow the instructions in the email to claim your account and create your Bucknell password. Next, set up your recovery phone number, recovery email address and friendly email alias. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Tech Desk at 570-577-7777 or

Perform task

ASAP: Set up Duo Security

Duo Security is Bucknell's multi-factor authentication service. Follow these instructions to self-enroll in Duo. You must complete this step to access your Bucknell account. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Tech Desk at 570-577-7777 or

Perform task

ASAP: Set up myBucknell email (Bmail) and calendar

You can access your Bucknell email account, or Bmail, by visiting from a computer or by setting up the Gmail app on your smartphone. For additional information or assistance, please contact the Tech Desk at 570-577-7777 or

Perform task


Log in to myBucknell to check items off your to-do list

By June 1, 2025: Register for housing accommodations, if needed

Students requesting housing accommodations for a disability should submit documentation by June 1. Please request accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) by completing the Disability Accommodation Request form and providing appropriate supporting documentation. OAR will review all information and documentation you submit and may ask to speak with you for additional information. If your accommodation is approved, Housing Services will be in communication as needed and will receive your housing needs from OAR to assist in providing you a housing assignment. For more information, visit Questions may be directed to 570-577-1188 or If this does not apply to you, you may skip this item.

Perform task

By June 1, 2025: Request nonbinary and trans-accessible housing option, if needed

Most incoming students will be assigned to floors in on-campus housing that are coed, alternating by room, with common, gendered bathrooms. A few floors are single-gender. If you have concerns about being placed in a room assignment as described and would like to inquire about nonbinary- and transgender-accessible housing options, please contact Bill McCoy, director of gender and sexuality resources, at 570-577-1609 or Feel free to reach out at any point. LGBTQ Resources will schedule consultation meetings for May 2025 and all requests will need to be received by June 1. If this does not apply to you, you may skip this item.

Perform task

By June 1, 2025: Sign up for a Bison Gathering (optional) (Invites will go out in June)

Bison Gatherings are a great way to get introduced to the Bucknell family. Often held during the summer at the homes of Bucknell families across the country, these events offer incoming first-year and transfer students and their families the opportunity to meet one another and interact with current students, families and alumni. Registration for the incoming first-year class is available in June. Keep an eye on your Bucknell email for information about Bison Gatherings in your area.

Perform task

By June 13, 2025: Submit your Medical Record form

All new students must complete a medical form and have it signed by a medical provider. Please review the form as soon as possible and schedule a physical exam if needed. Without a complete medical record on file, students arriving on campus will be unable to receive their room key until all medical requirements are satisfied.

Perform task

By June 14, 2025: Upload your ID photo

Please provide a recent photo for your Bucknell ID Card and the University directory. Your photo must meet a set of specifications.

Perform task

By June 14, 2025: Complete your Housing Questionnaire and Sign Housing License Agreement (Available in April)

Fill out your housing questionnaire by June 14 (this includes athletes). The Housing Services staff utilizes the responses to provide the incoming first-year students a housing assignment and a roommate. Your housing assignment will be available in mid-July.

By June 14, 2025: Plan to participate in summer academic advising session (Dates available in April)

Plan your summer academic advising in preparation for completing fall course registration. Each college has its own advising program — start at your myBucknell dashboard.

By June 14, 2025: Take language placement exams, if needed (Enrollment will be available in June)

In order to assess your high school experience and ensure you are placed in an appropriate level course, first-year classes in some subjects have placement exams or preparatory courses. If you are planning to study French, German, Italian, Russian or Spanish in the fall, you should take the language placement exam by June 14. If you plan to study one of these languages at a later time, you should still complete the exam as soon as possible to help us assess your experience with the language. You should plan to take this exam even if you have taken AP foreign language exams. If you are not planning to study one of these languages, you may skip this item.

By June 16, 2025: Complete fall course registration

Registration for fall classes is due by June 16. Prepare by learning about your college's summer advising process.

Perform Task

By June 16, 2025: Review information on Residential Colleges (Registration is optional and will be available in April)

The "Res Colleges" are themed living-learning communities for first-year students — you sign up when you register for fall classes. Learn more about this great way to jump-start your Bucknell experience.

Perform Task

By June 28, 2025: Provide your emergency contact details

Submit your cell phone number and emergency contact information by June 28. This information will be used to send alerts in the event of an emergency on campus. Students who do not provide an emergency contact number will have a hold placed on their spring 2026 course registration.

Perform task

By June 30, 2025: Provide your parent or guardian information

Complete this survey with your family information. Bucknell sends various communications directly to parents and guardians throughout the year, including a monthly e-newsletter, campus updates and information about major campus events such as Family Weekend. If you have any questions please contact

Perform task

By June 30, 2025: Did you play an instrument or sing in high school? (Survey available in February)

Please be sure to use your Bucknell email when responding to our brief music survey.

By June 30, 2025: Register for a Pre-Orientation program (optional)

Want to jump-start your Bucknell experience? Take a look at our themed "Pre-O" programs, which happen right before Orientation in August — reserve your spot now.

Perform task

By July 5, 2025: Set up your authorized users in B-bill

Your fall 2025 semester bill will be available in B-bill on or around July 8, and payments are due on or before Aug. 8. Students can grant access to multiple authorized users to view, print or pay their B-bill. Please note: Federal privacy regulations prohibit Bucknell from releasing financial information without student consent.

Perform task

By July 15, 2025: View your room assignment (Assignments will be available mid-July)

Room assignments and roommate information for fall 2025 will be available on myHOME in mid-July. You'll receive a confirmation email when this information is available.

By July 31, 2025: Take the Chemistry Placement Survey, if needed (Survey will be available in June)

In order to assess your high school experience and ensure you are placed in an appropriate level course or to help you build on foundational topics from high school, first-year classes in some subjects have placement exams or preparatory courses. If you are planning to take chemistry this academic year, you should plan to complete the Chemistry Placement Survey in Moodle by July 31. If you are not planning to take chemistry, you may skip this item.

By Aug. 1, 2025: Enroll in or waive student health insurance (Rates will be available in July)

All full-time students must enroll in or waive the health insurance coverage offered through Bucknell by Aug. 1. This requirement is in addition to the medical form required by Student Health. International students will be automatically enrolled in the Bucknell plan. Failure to complete this requirement by Aug. 1 may result in a hold or a charge being placed on your student account and may delay your fall semester enrollment.

By Aug. 1, 2025: Complete updates to your name, pronouns and/or gender identity

We recognize that you may wish to use a name, pronoun and/or gender identity other than those affiliated with your legal name or sex assigned at birth. As part of our efforts to foster an environment of inclusiveness and to support students' self-identification, we encourage you to review and update this information. To update your information, go to and click the Profile icon in the left sidebar.

Perform task

By Aug. 1, 2025: Provide the pronunciation of your name

We invite you to record the correct pronunciation of your name. This information will be available to your professors and Bucknell staff, as well as fellow students.

Perform task

By Aug. 1, 2025: Find Your campus mailing address

Your campus mailing address will be available in your myBucknell profile on July 15. You may begin sending packages to campus on Aug. 1. Please note that we can't accept freight deliveries.

Perform task

By Aug. 9, 2025: Pay your fall semester bill (Bill will be available in July)

Your fall 2025 semester bill will be available in B-bill on or around July 8, and payments are due on or before Aug. 8.

Perform task

By Aug. 11, 2025: Register with the Office of Accessibility Resources for disability accommodations

Please request accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) by completing the Disability Accommodation Request form and providing appropriate supporting documentation. For information about academic, housing or dining accommodations, in addition to documentation requirements, visit Questions may be directed to 570-577-1188 or Accommodation requests for the 2025-26 academic year will be reviewed beginning May 1. Please note that the deadline for housing accommodation requests is June 1. If this does not apply to you, you may skip this item.

Perform task

By Aug. 12, 2025: Download the Bucknell App (New Student persona will be available in June)

The Bucknell App connects you with University information and resources — be sure to install it before you arrive on campus so that New Student Orientation updates are at your fingertips.

Perform task

By Aug. 12, 2025: Complete alcohol education course and exam (Available in July)

Bucknell is committed to educating students about making healthy and safe choices about alcohol and other drugs. As part of this commitment, you must participate in an online educational program. The program will provide you with valuable information and resources regarding responsible decision-making related to alcohol and other drug use. Following the course, you will need to complete an exam about the information you learned. You must complete Part I of the course with a passing score of 75% by Aug. 12.

By Aug. 12, 2025: Complete Interpersonal Violence Prevention Online Education (Will open in July)

At Bucknell, we are committed to providing an environment free of gender-based discrimination. Interpersonal violence (IPV) — which includes sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking — is prohibited at Bucknell. These online IPV Prevention modules will include information about Bucknell's sex discrimination, sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking policy and procedures and will provide you with a better understanding of what constitutes sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking at Bucknell. You must complete the course by Tuesday, Aug. 12.

By Aug. 15, 2025: Complete the Mental Health and Well-Being Training (Modules available in July)

At Bucknell, we believe that students' mental health is as important as their physical health. The Mental Well-Being for Students modules offer tips, guidance and other important information for you as you navigate your college years. They will also provide you guidance and support in recognizing other students who may be in distress and how to refer them to appropriate resources. Please complete these modules by Monday, Aug. 12. If you have any questions or comments about the modules, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. John Dunkle, interim associate dean of health and wellness, at

By Aug. 15, 2025: Sign the Statement of Community Responsibility (Will be available in July)

Bucknell is committed to fostering social responsibility and nurturing an atmosphere of civility and integrity in all areas. Upon entry to Bucknell, students promise to observe the ideals important to our University contained in the Statement of Community Responsibility. All students must read the statement, review the related policies, and sign to acknowledge that they are aware of the expectations that all Bucknellians are expected to hold. This must be completed no later than Aug. 15.

By Aug. 16, 2025: Prepare for New Student Orientation

Beginning on Wednesday, Aug. 20, New Student Orientation offers a variety of events designed to help you feel welcomed and at ease as you begin your journey at Bucknell. You'll have the chance to meet fellow classmates, become familiar with University resources, meet your college’s faculty and receive details about your fall course schedule. After a series of afternoon programs on Aug. 20, family and friends are asked to depart between 5 and 6 p.m.. Orientation ends the night of Sunday, Aug. 24; classes begin on Monday, Aug. 25. Be sure to keep checking the New Student Orientation page for updates on scheduled Orientation activities, as well as move-in and other information.

Perform task

By Aug. 19, 2025: Set up Pathways Portfolio and complete monthly reflections (Available in June)

Every new first-year student will be part of the Common Experience — a series of reflective prompts and short assignments designed to help you prepare for the transition to Bucknell. Set up your Pathways program ePortfolio and complete your first assignment; over the summer and into the fall semester, you will receive regular prompts as well as feedback from faculty or staff members. Your ePortfolio is a safe and private space to document your accomplishments, reflect on your choices and understand your priorities and goals; if you choose, you can share your ePortfolio reflections with advisers, mentors, coaches and employers. To get started, log in to Digication ( to create your portfolio and complete your first reflection assignment. View the introductory checklist for links to helpful resources and step-by-step guides to logging in and setting up your portfolio.

By Aug. 19, 2025: Complete the First-year Assessment Survey (Available in August)

To help us get to know you and ensure your successful start, please take the Bucknell University First-year Assessment Survey. It is important to answer these questions honestly so that we can prepare the resources that would be most effective in serving you and helping you make the most of your Bucknell experience. You must complete the assessment survey by Aug. 12.

By Aug. 20, 2025: Prepare for move-in day for first-year students

You should plan to move in between 8 a.m. and noon on Wednesday, Aug. 20, the first day of Orientation. (If you need to arrive early for an athletics preseason, international Orientation or a Pre-Orientation program, you'll receive move-in information from your individual program.) You will receive move-in day instructions in a separate communication in early August.

Perform task

By Aug. 22, 2025: Check your class schedule (Available in early August)

Fall semester schedules will be available in myBucknell (in the Academic Resources section) in early August. First-year class schedule changes will be processed beginning Aug. 21 in the registrar's office. You will also be able to access your final exam schedule in myBucknell immediately prior to the beginning of the semester. Please do not make any plans to leave campus until after your last final.

Perform task

By Aug. 30, 2025: Complete the Academic Responsibility Orientation (Will open in June)

In order to demonstrate your understanding of the principles of academic integrity, you need to successfully complete the Academic Responsibility Orientation tutorial for your college in Moodle by Aug. 30. The tutorial can be found in the Required Pre-arrival Courses section of your Current Course List in Moodle. You can start the orientation and return to it later by indicating when prompted that you'd like to resume where you left off. Note: An academic hold will be placed on your account if you do not complete the orientation by the deadline. This hold will affect your ability to register for spring semester classes.

By Sept. 5, 2025: Take the calculus assessment program, if needed (Enrollment will open in July)

In order to assess your high school experience and ensure you are placed in an appropriate level course, first-year classes in some subjects have placement exams or preparatory courses. If you are planning to take MATH 192 or MATH 201, you should plan to complete the corresponding Countdown to Calculus program by Sept. 5. This pre-calculus refresher course will be available in Moodle in mid-July. It is recommended that you begin by Aug. 4. Countdown to Calculus is not required if you do not intend to take a calculus course at Bucknell, or if you received AP credit, IB credit or transfer credit for MATH 201.

Perform Task