Start Here: Selecting Your First-semester Courses

Registration Deadline: June 16

Class of 2029 course registration will open in late April.

To get started, choose the college to which you were accepted from the choices at the bottom of this page. If you are unsure about which link to use, please refer to your Bucknell University decision letter.

Please note: Course selection is not a first-come, first-served process. Please take the time to thoroughly review all materials and complete the advising process for your college before you register. The Registrar's Office will begin all course entry after June 16.

Getting Ready for Course Selection

General Instructions

  • Each course description lists the requirements that the course fulfills (for example, the writing requirement, or W1, which all first-year students must fulfill).
  • Required courses have already been entered for bachelor of science, management and engineering students.
  • Choose course numbers only; you do not need the section numbers (for example: choose POLS 140 from the drop-down menu rather than a specific section, such as POLS 140 06).
  • The normal course load is four credits — one per course. If a course is not worth a full credit, its credit value is listed on the first-year course information page.
  • If calculus is one of your required courses or one of your choices in the natural sciences & mathematics division, mark the boxes that correspond to your high school math experience. Do not count precalculus as calculus. If you receive AP credit for calculus, the Registrar's Office will adjust your course according to your score. If you receive AP credit for MATH 201 and further mathematics courses are not required for your major, indicate whether you wish to continue your study of calculus.
  • If needed, we will adjust your schedule based on your Advanced Placement scores. AP scores are typically received in early July.

What You'll See When Registering

There are several sections in online course registration. Here's what you'll see and what you'll need to do.

Ready to get started? Choose your college

College of Arts & Sciences

Advising and registration information for students in the College of Arts & Sciences

College of Engineering

Advising and registration information for students the College of Engineering

Freeman College of Management

Advising and registration information for students in the Freeman College of Management